Cake Smash: Lennox

Y'all, can we agree this little one year old has the biggest smile with the cutest cheeks?! I couldn’t believe I got to take Lennox’s one year photos. It only feels like two months since I took his newborn photos! I was so happy when his momma contacted me about doing a lumberjack themed cake smash. I literally squealed looking at the outfit she sent me! I knew this theme was perfect because his daddy has this big, bushy, black beard and wears plaid regularly. Oh, and y’all, let me just throw out there that this mom just might be a superhero - she MADE that cake. Yes, that one that looks 100% store bought and delicious! She said she stayed up have the night and Pinterested like a boss! Wow! Serious skills there! I hope you enjoy the photos as much as Lennox enjoyed his cake!